Testing Javascript Applications
Lucas Da Costa, 2021
Inhaltsverzeichnis des Buches
- preface
- acknowledgments
- about this book
- about the author
- about the cover illustration
- Part 1. Testing JavaScript applications
- 1 An introduction to automated testing
- 1.1 What is an automated test?
- 1.2 Why automated tests matter
- Predictability
- Reproducibility
- Collaboration
- Speed
- 2 What to test and when?
- 2.1 The testing pyramid
- 2.2 Unit tests
- 2.3 Integration tests
- 2.4 End-to-end tests
- Testing HTTP APIs
- Testing GUIs
- Acceptance tests and end-to-end tests are not the same
- 2.5 Exploratory testing and the value of QA
- 2.6 Tests, cost, and revenue
- Part 2. Writing tests
- 3 Testing techniques
- 3.1 Organizing test suites
- Breaking down tests
- Parallelism
- Global hooks
- Atomicity
- 3.2 Writing good assertions
- Assertions and error handling
- Loose assertions
- Using custom matchers
- Circular assertions
- 3.3 Test doubles: Mocks, stubs, and spies
- Mocking imports
- 3.4 Choosing what to test
- Don’t test third-party software
- To mock, or not to mock: That’s the question
- When in doubt, choose integration tests
- 3.5 Code coverage
- Automated coverage reports
- Coverage types
- What coverage is good for and what it isn’t
- 4 Testing backend applications
- 4.1 Structuring a testing environment
- End-to-end testing
- Integration testing
- Unit testing
- 4.2 Testing HTTP endpoints
- Testing middleware
- 4.3 Dealing with external dependencies
- Integrations with databases
- Integrations with other APIs
- 5 Advanced backend testing techniques
- 5.1 Eliminating nondeterminism
- Parallelism and shared resources
- Dealing with time
- 5.2 Reducing costs while preserving quality
- Reducing overlap between tests
- Creating transitive guarantees
- Turning assertions into preconditions
- 6 Testing frontend applications
- 6.1 Introducing JSDOM
- 6.2 Asserting on the DOM
- Making it easier to find elements
- Writing better assertions
- 6.3 Handling events
- 6.4 Testing and browser APIs
- Testing a localStorage integration
- Testing a History API integration
- 6.5 Dealing with WebSockets and HTTP requests
- Tests involving HTTP requests
- Tests involving WebSockets
- 7 The React testing ecosystem
- 7.1 Setting up a test environment for React
- Setting up a React application
- Setting up a testing environment
- 7.2 An overview of React testing libraries
- Rendering components and the DOM
- React Testing Library
- Enzyme
- The React test renderer
- 8 Testing React applications
- 8.1 Testing component integration
- Stubbing components
- 8.2 Snapshot testing
- Snapshots beyond components
- Serializers
- 8.3 Testing styles
- 8.4 Component-level acceptance tests and component stories
- Writing stories
- Writing documentation
- 9 Test-driven development
- 9.1 The philosophy behind test-driven development
- What test-driven development is
- Adjusting the size of your iterations
- Why adopt test-driven development?
- When not to apply test-driven development
- 9.2 Writing a JavaScript module using TDD
- 9.3 Testing top-down versus testing bottom-up
- What bottom-up and top-down testing mean
- How top-down and bottom-up approaches impact a test-driven workflow
- The pros and cons of bottom-up versus top-down approaches
- 9.4 Balancing maintenance costs, delivery speed, and brittleness
- Test-driven implementation
- Test-driven maintenance
- 9.5 Setting up an environment for TDD to succeed
- Teamwide adoption
- Keeping distinct lanes
- Pairing
- Supplementary testing
- 9.6 TDD, BDD, validations, and specificationsBDD (behavior-driven development)
- 10 UI-based end-to-end testing
- 10.1 What are UI-based end-to-end tests?
- 10.2 When to write each type of test
- UI-based end-to-end tests
- Pure end-to-end tests
- Pure UI tests
- A note on acceptance testing and this chapter’s name
- 10.3 An overview of end-to-end testing tools
- Selenium
- Puppeteer
- Cypress
- When to choose Cypress
- 11 Writing UI-based end-to-end tests
- 11.1 Your first UI-based end-to-end tests
- Setting up a test environment
- Writing your first tests
- Sending HTTP requests
- Sequencing actions
- 11.2 Best practices for end-to-end-tests
- Page objects
- Application actions
- 11.3 Dealing with flakiness
- Avoiding waiting for fixed amounts of time
- Stubbing uncontrollable factors
- Retrying tests
- 11.4 Running tests on multiple browsers
- Using a testing framework to run tests within a browser
- Running UI-based tests in multiple browsers
- 11.5 Visual regression tests
- Part 3. Business impact
- 12 Continuous integration and continuous delivery
- 12.1 What are continuous integration and continuous delivery?
- Continuous integration
- Continuous delivery
- 12.2 The role of automated tests in a CI/CD pipeline
- 12.3 Version-control checks
- 13 A culture of quality
- 13.1 Using type systems to make invalid states unrepresentable
- 13.2 Reviewing code to catch problems machines can’t
- 13.3 Using linters and formatters to produce consistent code
- 13.4 Monitoring your systems to understand how they actually behave
- 13.5 Explaining your software with good documentation
- index