JavaScript & TypeScript
Learning JavaScript Design Patterns: A JavaScript and React Developer's Guide
Addy Osmani, 2023
Inhaltsverzeichnis des Buches
- Preface
- Structure of the Book
- Conventions Used in This Book
- Using Code Examples
- O’Reilly Online Learning
- How to Contact Us
- Acknowledgments
- 1. Introduction to Design Patterns
- History of Design Patterns
- What Is a Pattern?
- An Everyday Use Case for Design Patterns
- Summary
- 2. “Pattern”-ity Testing, Proto-Patterns, and the Rule of Three
- What Are Proto-Patterns?
- The “Pattern” Tests
- Rule of Three
- Summary
- 3. Structuring and Writing Patterns
- The Structure of a Design Pattern
- Well-Written Patterns
- Writing a Pattern
- Summary
- 4. Anti-Patterns
- What Are Anti-Patterns?
- Anti-Patterns in JavaScript
- Summary
- 5. Modern JavaScript Syntax and Features
- The Importance of Decoupling Applications
- Modules with Imports and Exports
- Module Objects
- Modules Loaded from Remote Sources
- Static Imports
- Dynamic Imports
- Import on Interaction
- Import on Visibility
- Modules for the Server
- Advantages of Using Modules
- Classes with Constructors, Getters, and Setters
- Classes in JavaScript Frameworks
- Summary
- Related Reading
- 6. Categories of Design Patterns
- Background
- Creational Design Patterns
- Structural Design Patterns
- Behavioral Design Patterns
- Design Pattern Classes
- Summary
- 7. JavaScript Design Patterns
- Creational Patterns
- The Constructor Pattern
- Object Creation
- Basic Constructors
- Constructors with Prototypes
- The Module Pattern
- Object Literals
- The Module Pattern
- Module Pattern Variations
- Modern Module Pattern with WeakMap
- Modules with Modern Libraries
- The Revealing Module Pattern
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- The Singleton Pattern
- State Management in React
- The Prototype Pattern
- The Factory Pattern
- When to Use the Factory Pattern
- When Not to Use the Factory Pattern
- Abstract Factories
- Structural Patterns
- The Facade Pattern
- The Mixin Pattern
- Subclassing
- Mixins
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- The Decorator Pattern
- Pseudoclassical Decorators
- Interfaces
- Abstract Decorators
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- Flyweight
- Using Flyweights
- Flyweights and Sharing Data
- Implementing Classical Flyweights
- Converting Code to Use the Flyweight Pattern
- A Basic Factory
- Managing the Extrinsic States
- The Flyweight Pattern and the DOM
- Example: Centralized Event Handling
- Behavioral Patterns
- The Observer Pattern
- Differences Between the Observer and Publish/Subscribe Pattern
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Publish/Subscribe Implementations
- The Mediator Pattern
- A Simple Mediator
- Similarities and Differences
- Event Aggregator Use
- Mediator Use
- Event Aggregator (Pub/Sub) and Mediator Together
- Mediator/Middleware in Modern JavaScript
- Mediator Versus Facade
- The Command Pattern
- Summary
- 8. JavaScript MV\* Patterns
- Smalltalk-80 MVC
- MVC for JavaScript Developers
- Models
- Views
- Templating
- Controllers
- What Does MVC Give Us?
- Smalltalk-80 MVC in JavaScript
- Summary of MVC
- Models, Views, and Presenters
- MVP or MVC?
- History
- Model
- View
- ViewModel
- Recap: The View and the ViewModel
- ViewModel Versus Model
- Pros and Cons
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- MVC Versus MVP Versus MVVM
- Modern MV\* Patterns
- MV\* and React.js
- Summary
- 9. Asynchronous Programming Patterns
- Asynchronous Programming
- Background
- Promise Patterns
- Promise Chaining
- Promise Error Handling
- Promise Parallelism
- Promise Sequential Execution
- Promise Memoization
- Promise Pipeline
- Promise Retry
- Promise Decorator
- Promise Race
- async/await Patterns
- async Function Composition
- async Iteration
- async Error Handling
- async Parallelism
- async Sequential Execution
- async Memoization
- async Event Handling
- async/await Pipeline
- async Retry
- async/await Decorator
- Additional Practical Examples
- Making an HTTP Request
- Reading a File from the Filesystem
- Writing to a File on the Filesystem
- Executing Multiple async Operations
- Executing Multiple async Operations in Sequence
- Caching the Result of an async Operation
- Handling Events with async/await
- Retrying an async Operation on Failure
- Creating an async/await Decorator
- Summary
- 10. Modular JavaScript Design Patterns
- A Note on Script Loaders
- Getting Started with Modules
- AMD Modules with jQuery
- AMD Conclusions
- CommonJS
- Getting Started
- Consuming Multiple Dependencies
- CommonJS in Node.js
- Is CommonJS Suitable for the Browser?
- Related Reading for CommonJS
- AMD and CommonJS: Competing, but Equally Valid Standards
- UMD: AMD and CommonJS-Compatible Modules for Plug-ins
- Summary
- 11. Namespacing Patterns
- Namespacing Fundamentals
- Single Global Variables
- Prefix Namespacing
- Object Literal Notation
- Nested Namespacing
- Immediately Invoked Function Expressions
- Namespace Injection
- Advanced Namespacing Patterns
- Automating Nested Namespacing
- Dependency Declaration Pattern
- Deep Object Extension
- Recommendation
- Summary
- 12. React.js Design Patterns
- An Introduction to React
- Terminology Used
- Basic Concepts
- Higher-Order Components
- Composing
- Pros
- Cons
- Render Props Pattern
- Lifting State
- Children as a Function
- Pros
- Cons
- Hooks Pattern
- Class Components
- Restructuring
- Complexity
- Hooks
- State Hook
- Effect Hook
- Custom Hooks
- Additional Hooks Guidance
- Pros and Cons of Using Hooks
- React Hooks Versus Classes
- Static Import
- Dynamic Import
- Loadable Components
- Import on Interaction
- Import on Visibility
- Code-Splitting
- Route-based Splitting
- Bundle Splitting
- PRPL Pattern
- Loading Prioritization
- Preload in Single-Page Apps
- Preload + the async Hack
- Preload in Chrome 95+
- List Virtualization
- How Does Windowing/Virtualization Work?
- Lists
- Grid
- Improvements in the Web Platform
- Conclusions
- Summary
- 13. Rendering Patterns
- Importance of Rendering Patterns
- Client-Side Rendering
- Server-Side Rendering
- Static Rendering
- Incremental Static Regeneration
- On-Demand ISR
- Summary of Static Rendering
- Streaming SSR
- Edge SSR
- Hybrid Rendering
- Progressive Hydration
- Islands Architecture
- Implementing Islands
- Pros and Cons
- React Server Components
- Hybrid Rendering with RSC and the Next.js App Router
- Summary
- 14. Application Structure for React.js
- Introduction
- Group by Module, Feature, or Route
- Group by File Type
- Hybrid Grouping Based on Domain and Common Components
- Application Structure for Modern React Features
- Redux
- Containers
- Hooks
- Styled Components
- Other Best Practices
- Application Structure for Next.js Apps
- Summary
- 15. Conclusions
- Appendix. References
- Index
- About the Author