Grokking Continuous Delivery
Christie Wilson, 2022
Inhaltsverzeichnis des Buches
- contents
- front matter
- forewords
- preface
- acknowledgments
- about this book
- Who should read this book
- How this book is organized: A road map
- liveBook discussion forum
- About the author
- Part 1. Introducing continuous delivery
- 1 Welcome to Grokking Continuous Delivery
- Do you need continuous delivery?
- Why continuous delivery?
- Continuous delivery
- Integration
- Continuous integration
- What do we deliver?
- Delivery
- Continuous delivery/deployment
- Elements of continuous delivery
- Conclusion
- Summary
- Up next . . .
- 2 A basic pipeline
- Cat Picture Website
- Cat Picture Website source code
- Cat Picture Website pipelines
- What’s a pipeline? What’s a task?
- The basic tasks in a CD pipeline
- Gates and transformations
- CD: Gates and transformations
- Cat Picture Website service pipeline
- Running the pipeline
- Running once a day
- Trying continuous integration
- Using notifications
- Scaling manual effort
- Automation with webhooks
- Scaling with webhooks
- Don’t push changes when broken
- Cat Picture Website CD
- What’s in a name?
- Conclusion
- Summary
- Up next . . .
- Part 2. Keeping software in a deliverable state at all times
- 3 Version control is the only way to roll
- Sasha and Sarah’s start-up
- All kinds of data
- Source and software
- Repositories and versions
- Continuous delivery and version control
- Git and GitHub
- An initial commit—with a bug!
- Breaking main
- Pushing and pulling
- Are we doing continuous delivery?
- Keep version control releasable
- Trigger on changes to version control
- Triggering the User service pipeline
- Building the User service
- The User service in the cloud
- Connecting to the RandomCloud database
- Managing the User service
- The User service outage
- Outsmarted by automation
- What’s the source of truth?
- User service config as code
- Configuring Deployaker
- Config as code
- Rolling out software and config changes
- Conclusion
- Summary
- Up next . . .
- 4 Use linting effectively
- Becky and Super Game Console
- Linting to the rescue!
- The lowdown on linting
- The tale of Pylint and many, many issues
- Legacy code: Using a systematic approach
- Step 1: Configure against coding standards
- Step 2: Establish a baseline
- Step 3: Enforce at submission time
- Adding enforcement to the pipeline
- Step 4: Divide and conquer
- Isolation: Not everything should be fixed
- Enforcing isolation
- Not all problems are created equal
- Types of linting issues
- Bugs first, style later
- Jumping through the hoops
- Conclusion
- Summary
- Up next . . .
- 5 Dealing with noisy tests
- Continuous delivery and tests
- Ice Cream for All outage
- Signal vs. noise
- Noisy successes
- How failures become noise
- Going from noise to signal
- Getting to green
- Another outage!
- Passing tests can be noisy
- Fixing test failures
- Ways of failing: Flakes
- Reacting to failures
- Fixing the test: Change the code or the test?
- The dangers of retries
- Retrying revisited
- Why do we retry?
- Get to green and stay green
- Conclusion
- Summary
- Up next . . .
- 6 Speeding up slow test suites
- Dog Picture Website
- When simple is too simple
- New engineer tries to submit code
- Tests and continuous delivery
- Diagnosis: Too slow
- The test pyramid
- Fast tests first
- Two pipelines
- Getting the right balance
- Changing the pyramid
- Safely adjusting tests
- Test Coverage
- Enforcing test coverage
- Test coverage in the pipeline
- Moving tests in the pyramid with coverage
- What to move down the pyramid?
- Legacy tests and FUD
- Running tests in parallel
- When can tests run in parallel?
- Updating the pipelines
- Still too slow!
- Test sharding, aka parallel++
- How to shard
- More complex sharding
- Sharded pipeline
- Sharding the browser tests
- Sharding in the pipeline
- Dog Picture Website’s pipelines
- Conclusion
- Summary
- Up next . . .
- 7 Give the right signals at the right times
- CoinExCompare
- Life cycle of a change
- CI only before merge
- Timeline of a change’s bugs
- CI only before merging misses bugs
- A tale of two graphs: Default to seven days
- A tale of two graphs: Default to 30 days
- Conflicts aren’t always caught
- What about the unit tests?
- PR triggering still lets bugs sneak in
- CI before AND after merge
- Option 1: Run CI periodically
- Option 1: Setting up periodic CI
- Option 2: Require branches to be up-to-date
- Option 2: At what cost?
- Option 3: Automated merge CI
- Option 3: Running CI with the latest main
- Option 3: Merge events
- Option 3: Merge queues
- Option 3: Merge queue for CoinExCompare
- Where can bugs still happen?
- Flakes and PR-triggered CI
- Catching flakes with periodic tests
- Bugs and building
- CI vs. build and deploy
- Build and deploy with the same logic
- Improved CI pipeline with building
- Timeline of a change revisited
- Conclusion
- Summary
- Up next . . .
- Part 3. Making delivery easy
- 8 Easy delivery starts with version control
- Meanwhile at Watch Me Watch
- The DORA metrics
- Velocity at Watch Me Watch
- Lead time for changes
- Watch Me Watch and elite performers
- Increasing velocity at Watch Me Watch
- Integrating with AllCatsAllTheTime
- Incremental feature delivery
- Committing skipped tests
- Code review and “incomplete” code
- Keeping up the momentum
- Committing work-in-progress code
- Reviewing work-in-progress code
- Meanwhile, back at the end-to-end tests
- Seeing the benefits
- Decreasing lead time for changes
- Continuing AllCatsAllTheTime
- Deployment windows and code freezes
- Increased velocity
- Conclusion
- Summary
- Up next . . .
- 9 Building securely and reliably
- Top Dog Maps
- When the build process is a doc
- Attributes of secure and reliable builds
- Always releasable
- Automated builds
- Build as code
- Use a CD service
- Ephemeral build environments
- Miguel’s plan
- From a doc to a script in version control
- Automated containerized builds
- Secure and reliable build process
- Interface changes and bugs
- When builds cause bugs
- Builds and communication
- Semantic versioning
- The importance of being versioned
- Another outage!
- Build-time dependency bugs
- Pinning dependencies
- Version pinning alone isn’t a guarantee
- Pinning to hashes
- Conclusion
- Summary
- Up next . . .
- 10 Deploying confidently
- Plenty of deployment woes
- DORA metrics for stability
- DORA metrics at Plenty of Woofs
- Deploying less frequently?
- Deploying more frequently?
- Daily deployments vs. outages
- Steps toward increasing frequency
- Fixing problems with the process
- Rolling updates
- Fixing a bug with a rolling update
- Rollbacks
- Rollback strategy = immediate improvement
- Rollback policy in action
- Blue-green deployments
- Faster time to restore with blue-green
- Faster and more stable with canaries
- Requirements for canary deployments
- Canary deployments with baselines
- Time to restore with canary deployments
- Increasing deployment frequency
- DORA metrics with daily canary deployments
- Continuous deployment
- When to use continuous deployment
- Mandatory QA phases
- QA and continuous deployment
- Elite DORA performance
- Conclusion
- Summary
- Up next . . .
- Part 4. CD design
- 11 Starter packs: From zero to CD
- Starter packs: Overview
- Recap: Universal CD pipeline tasks
- Prototypical release pipeline
- Prototypical CI pipeline
- Both pipelines with triggering
- Greenfield: Getting to CD
- Gulpy
- Greenfield: Zero to CD
- First step: Does it build?
- Picking a CD system
- Setting up the initial automation
- State of the code: Linting
- State of the code: Unit tests
- State of the code: Coverage
- Moving past CI: Publishing
- Deployment
- Expanding testing
- Tasks for integration and end-to-end tests
- Completing the CI pipeline
- Gulpy’s complete pipelines
- Legacy: Getting to CD
- Rebellious Hamster
- First step: Prioritize incremental goals
- Focusing on the pain first
- Pain at Rebellious Hamster
- Know when things are broken
- Isolate and add tests
- Legacy pipeline with more tests
- Make deployments more automated
- Creating a release pipeline
- Rebellious Hamster’s release pipeline
- Rebellious Hamster’s complete pipelines
- Conclusion
- Summary
- Up next . . .
- 12 Scripts are code, too
- Purrfect Bank
- CD problems
- Purrfect Bank CD overview
- Payment Org’s bash libraries
- Transaction service pipeline
- Evolving from one big script
- Principles of well-designed tasks
- Breaking up the giant task
- Updated Transaction service pipeline
- Debugging bash libraries
- Investigating the bash library bug
- Why was the bug introduced?
- What is bash for?
- When is bash less good?
- Shell scripting vs. general-purpose languages
- Shell script to general-purpose language
- Migration plan
- From bash library to task with bash
- Reusable bash inside a task
- From bash to Python
- Tasks as code
- CD scripts are code, too
- Conclusion
- Summary
- Up next . . .
- 13 Pipeline design
- PetMatch
- Matchmaking CD pipelines
- CD pipeline problems
- End-to-end test pipeline
- End-to-end test pipeline and errors
- Finally behavior
- Finally as a graph
- Finally in the matchmaking pipeline
- End-to-end test pipeline and speed
- Parallel execution of tasks
- End-to-end test pipeline and test speed
- Parallel execution and test sharding
- End-to-end test pipeline with sharding
- End-to-end test pipeline and signal
- One CI pipeline
- Release pipeline and signal
- Differences in CI
- Combining pipelines
- Release pipeline
- Hardcoding in the release pipeline
- Pipeline reuse with parameterization
- Using reusable pipelines
- Updated pipelines
- Solving PetMatch’s CD problems
- CD features to look for
- Conclusion
- Summary
- Up next . . .
- Appendices
- Appendix A. CD systems
- Appendix B. Version control systems