Effective Software Testing: A developer's guide
Maurizio Aniche, 2022
Inhaltsverzeichnis des Buches
- front matter
- forewords
- preface
- acknowledgments
- about this book
- Who should read this book
- How this book is organized: A roadmap
- What this book does not cover
- About the code
- liveBook discussion forum
- about the author
- about the cover illustration
- 1 Effective and systematic software testing
- 1.1 Developers who test vs. developers who do not
- 1.2 Effective software testing for developers
- 1.2.1 Effective testing in the development process
- 1.2.2 Effective testing as an iterative process
- 1.2.3 Focusing on development and then on testing
- 1.2.4 The myth of “correctness by design”
- 1.2.5 The cost of testing
- 1.2.6 The meaning of effective and systematic
- 1.2.7 The role of test automation
- 1.3 Principles of software testing (or, why testing is so difficult)
- 1.3.1 Exhaustive testing is impossible
- 1.3.2 Knowing when to stop testing
- 1.3.3 Variability is important (the pesticide paradox)
- 1.3.4 Bugs happen in some places more than others
- 1.3.5 No matter what testing you do, it will never be perfect or enough
- 1.3.6 Context is king
- 1.3.7 Verification is not validation
- 1.4 The testing pyramid, and where we should focus
- 1.4.1 Unit testing
- 1.4.2 Integration testing
- 1.4.3 System testing
- 1.4.4 When to use each test level
- 1.4.5 Why do I favor unit tests?
- 1.4.6 What do I test at the different levels?
- 1.4.7 What if you disagree with the testing pyramid?
- 1.4.8 Will this book help you find all the bugs?
- Exercises
- Summary
- 2 Specification-based testing
- 2.1 The requirements say it all
- 2.1.1 Step 1: Understanding the requirements, inputs, and outputs
- 2.1.2 Step 2: Explore what the program does for various inputs
- 2.1.3 Step 3: Explore possible inputs and outputs, and identify partitions
- 2.1.4 Step 4: Analyze the boundaries
- 2.1.5 Step 5: Devise test cases
- 2.1.6 Step 6: Automate the test cases
- 2.1.7 Step 7: Augment the test suite with creativity and experience
- 2.2 Specification-based testing in a nutshell
- 2.3 Finding bugs with specification testing
- 2.4 Specification-based testing in the real world
- 2.4.1 The process should be iterative, not sequential
- 2.4.2 How far should specification testing go?
- 2.4.3 Partition or boundary? It does not matter!
- 2.4.4 On and off points are enough, but feel free to add in and out points
- 2.4.5 Use variations of the same input to facilitate understanding
- 2.4.6 When the number of combinations explodes, be pragmatic
- 2.4.7 When in doubt, go for the simplest input
- 2.4.8 Pick reasonable values for inputs you do not care about
- 2.4.9 Test for nulls and exceptional cases, but only when it makes sense
- 2.4.10 Go for parameterized tests when tests have the same skeleton
- 2.4.11 Requirements can be of any granularity
- 2.4.12 How does this work with classes and state?
- 2.4.13 The role of experience and creativity
- Exercises
- Summary
- 3 Structural testing and code coverage
- 3.1 Code coverage, the right way
- 3.2 Structural testing in a nutshell
- 3.3 Code coverage criteria
- 3.3.1 Line coverage
- 3.3.2 Branch coverage
- 3.3.3 Condition + branch coverage
- 3.3.4 Path coverage
- 3.4 Complex conditions and the MC/DC coverage criterion
- 3.4.1 An abstract example
- 3.4.2 Creating a test suite that achieves MC/DC
- 3.5 Handling loops and similar constructs
- 3.6 Criteria subsumption, and choosing a criterion
- 3.7 Specification-based and structural testing: A running example
- 3.8 Boundary testing and structural testing
- 3.9 Structural testing alone often is not enough
- 3.10 Structural testing in the real world
- 3.10.1 Why do some people hate code coverage?
- 3.10.2 What does it mean to achieve 100% coverage?
- 3.10.3 What coverage criterion to use
- 3.10.4 MC/DC when expressions are too complex and cannot be simplified
- 3.10.5 Other coverage criteria
- 3.10.6 What should not be covered?
- 3.11 Mutation testing
- Exercises
- Summary
- 4 Designing contracts
- 4.1 Pre-conditions and post-conditions
- 4.1.1 The assert keyword
- 4.1.2 Strong and weak pre- and post-conditions
- 4.2 Invariants
- 4.3 Changing contracts, and the Liskov substitution principle
- 4.3.1 Inheritance and contracts
- 4.4 How is design-by-contract related to testing?
- 4.5 Design-by-contract in the real world
- 4.5.1 Weak or strong pre-conditions?
- 4.5.2 Input validation, contracts, or both?
- 4.5.3 Asserts and exceptions: When to use one or the other
- 4.5.4 Exception or soft return values?
- 4.5.5 When not to use design-by-contract
- 4.5.6 Should we write tests for pre-conditions, post-conditions, and invariants?
- 4.5.7 Tooling support
- Exercises
- Summary
- 5 Property-based testing
- 5.1 Example 1: The passing grade program
- 5.2 Example 2: Testing the unique method
- 5.3 Example 3: Testing the indexOf method
- 5.4 Example 4: Testing the Basket class
- 5.5 Example 5: Creating complex domain objects
- 5.6 Property-based testing in the real world
- 5.6.1 Example-based testing vs. property-based testing
- 5.6.2 Common issues in property-based tests
- 5.6.3 Creativity is key
- Exercises
- Summary
- 6 Test doubles and mocks
- 6.1 Dummies, fakes, stubs, spies, and mocks
- 6.1.1 Dummy objects
- 6.1.2 Fake objects
- 6.1.3 Stubs
- 6.1.4 Mocks
- 6.1.5 Spies
- 6.2 An introduction to mocking frameworks
- 6.2.1 Stubbing dependencies
- 6.2.2 Mocks and expectations
- 6.2.3 Capturing arguments
- 6.2.4 Simulating exceptions
- 6.3 Mocks in the real world
- 6.3.1 The disadvantages of mocking
- 6.3.2 What to mock and what not to mock
- 6.3.3 Date and time wrappers
- 6.3.4 Mocking types you do not own
- 6.3.5 What do others say about mocking?
- Exercises
- Summary
- 7 Designing for testability
- 7.1 Separating infrastructure code from domain code
- 7.2 Dependency injection and controllability
- 7.3 Making your classes and methods observable
- 7.3.1 Example 1: Introducing methods to facilitate assertions
- 7.3.2 Example 2: Observing the behavior of void methods
- 7.4 Dependency via class constructor or value via method parameter?
- 7.5 Designing for testability in the real world
- 7.5.1 The cohesion of the class under test
- 7.5.2 The coupling of the class under test
- 7.5.3 Complex conditions and testability
- 7.5.4 Private methods and testability
- 7.5.5 Static methods, singletons, and testability
- 7.5.6 The Hexagonal Architecture and mocks as a design technique
- 7.5.7 Further reading about designing for testability
- Exercises
- Summary
- 8 Test-driven development
- 8.1 Our first TDD session
- 8.2 Reflecting on our first TDD experience
- 8.3 TDD in the real world
- 8.3.1 To TDD or not to TDD?
- 8.3.2 TDD 100% of the time?
- 8.3.3 Does TDD work for all types of applications and domains?
- 8.3.4 What does the research say about TDD?
- 8.3.5 Other schools of TDD
- 8.3.6 TDD and proper testing
- Exercises
- Summary
- 9 Writing larger tests
- 9.1 When to use larger tests
- 9.1.1 Testing larger components
- 9.1.2 Testing larger components that go beyond our code base
- 9.2 Database and SQL testing
- 9.2.1 What to test in a SQL query
- 9.2.2 Writing automated tests for SQL queries
- 9.2.3 Setting up infrastructure for SQL tests
- 9.2.4 Best practices
- 9.3 System tests
- 9.3.1 An introduction to Selenium
- 9.3.2 Designing page objects
- 9.3.3 Patterns and best practices
- 9.4 Final notes on larger tests
- 9.4.1 How do all the testing techniques fit?
- 9.4.2 Perform cost/benefit analysis
- 9.4.3 Be careful with methods that are covered but not tested
- 9.4.4 Proper code infrastructure is key
- 9.4.5 DSLs and tools for stakeholders to write tests
- 9.4.6 Testing other types of web systems
- Exercises
- Summary
- 10 Test code quality
- 10.1 Principles of maintainable test code
- 10.1.1 Tests should be fast
- 10.1.2 Tests should be cohesive, independent, and isolated
- 10.1.3 Tests should have a reason to exist
- 10.1.4 Tests should be repeatable and not flaky
- 10.1.5 Tests should have strong assertions
- 10.1.6 Tests should break if the behavior changes
- 10.1.7 Tests should have a single and clear reason to fail
- 10.1.8 Tests should be easy to write
- 10.1.9 Tests should be easy to read
- 10.1.10 Tests should be easy to change and evolve
- 10.2 Test smells
- 10.2.1 Excessive duplication
- 10.2.2 Unclear assertions
- 10.2.3 Bad handling of complex or external resources
- 10.2.4 Fixtures that are too general
- 10.2.5 Sensitive assertions
- Exercises
- Summary
- 11 Wrapping up the book
- 11.1 Although the model looks linear, iterations are fundamental
- 11.2 Bug-free software development: Reality or myth?
- 11.3 Involve your final user
- 11.4 Unit testing is hard in practice
- 11.5 Invest in monitoring
- 11.6 What’s next?
- Appendix. Answers to exercises
- References
- index